Great tips about going to Yoga or Pilates very well explained. No excuse for any of us now.
Are you looking to try out something new that will help your mind and body? It’s time to consider Yoga and Pilates. Here’s why…
Pilates and Yoga cater to all ages young and old so do not let your age influence your decision to begin Pilates and or Yoga, there is literally no harm in giving it a go! Because of its huge popularity, Yoga and Pilates are becoming a major part of people’s lives, so don’t be afraid or nervous if you’re heading to your first ever class.
Being mindful of your capabilities, just do what you can and embrace the experience. Being completely aware of your surroundings while remaining present. One of our main pieces of advice would be that if you find yourself looking around at everyone in the class don’t feel discouraged, some people might have more experience than you and that’s okay, you will soon learn that yoga is 95% practice and 5% theory.
So have fun, enjoy it and remember that Yoga is NOT about physically pushing yourself to the limit!
What You’ll Need for Yoga…
What Are The Benefits of Practicing Yoga?
If these benefits haven’t convinced you to sign up to your nearest yoga class (are you mad?!) find out about 30 more ways Yoga improves your health here. What’s more, there’s also proven benefits of yoga for kids so why not turn it into a family passtime!
Inspired by Yoga, Pilates involves challenging your body along with the use of various pieces of equipment. A typical Pilates workout includes a number of exercises and stretches. Each exercise is performed with attention to proper breathing techniques and abdominal muscle control.
What You’ll Need for Pilates…
Everything from our Yoga checklist. We would also recommend that you get your hands on a Pilates mat as they offer much more support in comparison to a regular yoga mat.
What Are The Benefits of Practicing Pilates?
The main objective of Pilates is to activate your core throughout the session. With regular practice of Pilates comes a strong core and while this is not only beneficial to your average Joe, it has been proven very beneficial in lessening your chances of injuring your back. If you have had any recent surgeries however, make sure to consult with a doctor or physiotherapist before signing up for any classes.
One place we would definitely recommend for anyone thinking of doing either a Yoga or Pilates class is Pure Health, located in the Dublin 15 area. With a wide variety of classes, Pure Health’s amazing instructors will introduce you into the wonderful world of Yoga and Pilates – we promise that you won’t regret it! Check out their Facebook page for more details or drop them a message (they usually respond within a few hours). You can also download their app (suitable for android and IOS) for a class timetable.
Try arriving 10 minutes before the class begins to allow time to settle in and sign up. Upon arrival to the Yoga or Pilates class, removal of shoes is mandatory, you can either leave your socks on or off for the class (no socks = better grip on your mat). Find a good spot, choose one of your own preference, either up the front close to the instructor or towards the back if you’re feeling a little self-conscious.
Your instructors mat will be positioned at the top of the room, they will have any extra items prepared that will be used during the class e.g. blocks, blankets etc. Grab what you think you’ll need or wait and ask your instructor and they can help you out. The majority of Yoga classes begin and end in Shavasana (known as the corpse pose). So once you’ve found your desired spot roll out your mat and lie down on your back and relax until your instructor greets the class.
For Pilates you do not necessarily begin lying down, some instructors begin standing up or sitting down. Classes are usually a time for relaxation and focus so it’s preferred not to talk during class and remember to stick your phone on silent. Also make sure to tell your instructor if you have any health illnesses, recent injuries or surgeries before class starts, this way they’ll be able to guide you through the class as easily and comfortably as possible.
Of course, we’re glad you asked! If you’re running low on funds or have a busy schedule then check out these YouTube channels, Yoga with Adriene and Blogilates. With well over a million subscribers each channel is inundated with videos for beginners.
Another cheaper alternative is to try out the 30-day Yoga Challenge. The YouTube channel Do you yoga explains the challenge and the great thing about it is that if you’re confused about any certain position you can use the videos as a guide.
We hope that this all has proved helpful in getting you up to speed on Yoga and Pilates. Keep an eye out for our next post which will look at SUP and Bikram Yoga.
Fitness and Yoga aficionado. Has a never ending appreciation for pizza and all things beauty.
Are you looking to try out something new that will help your mind and body? It’s time to consider Yoga and Pilates. Here’s why…
Pilates and Yoga cater to all ages young and old so do not let your age influence your decision to begin Pilates and or Yoga, there is literally no harm in giving it a go! Because of its huge popularity, Yoga and Pilates are becoming a major part of people’s lives, so don’t be afraid or nervous if you’re heading to your first ever class.
Being mindful of your capabilities, just do what you can and embrace the experience. Being completely aware of your surroundings while remaining present. One of our main pieces of advice would be that if you find yourself looking around at everyone in the class don’t feel discouraged, some people might have more experience than you and that’s okay, you will soon learn that yoga is 95% practice and 5% theory.
So have fun, enjoy it and remember that Yoga is NOT about physically pushing yourself to the limit!
What You’ll Need for Yoga…
What Are The Benefits of Practicing Yoga?
If these benefits haven’t convinced you to sign up to your nearest yoga class (are you mad?!) find out about 30 more ways Yoga improves your health here. What’s more, there’s also proven benefits of yoga for kids so why not turn it into a family passtime!
Inspired by Yoga, Pilates involves challenging your body along with the use of various pieces of equipment. A typical Pilates workout includes a number of exercises and stretches. Each exercise is performed with attention to proper breathing techniques and abdominal muscle control.
What You’ll Need for Pilates…
Everything from our Yoga checklist. We would also recommend that you get your hands on a Pilates mat as they offer much more support in comparison to a regular yoga mat.
What Are The Benefits of Practicing Pilates?
The main objective of Pilates is to activate your core throughout the session. With regular practice of Pilates comes a strong core and while this is not only beneficial to your average Joe, it has been proven very beneficial in lessening your chances of injuring your back. If you have had any recent surgeries however, make sure to consult with a doctor or physiotherapist before signing up for any classes.
One place we would definitely recommend for anyone thinking of doing either a Yoga or Pilates class is Pure Health, located in the Dublin 15 area. With a wide variety of classes, Pure Health’s amazing instructors will introduce you into the wonderful world of Yoga and Pilates – we promise that you won’t regret it! Check out their Facebook page for more details or drop them a message (they usually respond within a few hours). You can also download their app (suitable for android and IOS) for a class timetable.
Try arriving 10 minutes before the class begins to allow time to settle in and sign up. Upon arrival to the Yoga or Pilates class, removal of shoes is mandatory, you can either leave your socks on or off for the class (no socks = better grip on your mat). Find a good spot, choose one of your own preference, either up the front close to the instructor or towards the back if you’re feeling a little self-conscious.
Your instructors mat will be positioned at the top of the room, they will have any extra items prepared that will be used during the class e.g. blocks, blankets etc. Grab what you think you’ll need or wait and ask your instructor and they can help you out. The majority of Yoga classes begin and end in Shavasana (known as the corpse pose). So once you’ve found your desired spot roll out your mat and lie down on your back and relax until your instructor greets the class.
For Pilates you do not necessarily begin lying down, some instructors begin standing up or sitting down. Classes are usually a time for relaxation and focus so it’s preferred not to talk during class and remember to stick your phone on silent. Also make sure to tell your instructor if you have any health illnesses, recent injuries or surgeries before class starts, this way they’ll be able to guide you through the class as easily and comfortably as possible.
Of course, we’re glad you asked! If you’re running low on funds or have a busy schedule then check out these YouTube channels, Yoga with Adriene and Blogilates. With well over a million subscribers each channel is inundated with videos for beginners.
Another cheaper alternative is to try out the 30-day Yoga Challenge. The YouTube channel Do you yoga explains the challenge and the great thing about it is that if you’re confused about any certain position you can use the videos as a guide.
We hope that this all has proved helpful in getting you up to speed on Yoga and Pilates. Keep an eye out for our next post which will look at SUP and Bikram Yoga.
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Fitness and Yoga aficionado. Has a never ending appreciation for pizza and all things beauty.
Great tips about going to Yoga or Pilates very well explained. No excuse for any of us now.
Great tips about going to Yoga or Pilates very well explained. No excuse for any of us now.