We all love the idea of getting fit. There is an enormous amount fitness tips and tricks out there that claim to help you on your way to a healthier lifestyle. But not all of these are true; in fact a lot of well-known fitness tips are actually total rubbish. Don’t be fooled into following any of these myths because they all contradict with what scientists and fitness experts know is true. Check out our list of fitness myths that you should never follow and you’ll save yourself a lot of hassle in the long run. Basic Sit-ups Will Give You A Six-Pack This is a misconception that many people […]
Are you looking to try out something new that will help your mind and body? It’s time to consider Yoga and Pilates. Here’s why… Pilates and Yoga cater to all ages young and old so do not let your age influence your decision to begin Pilates and or Yoga, there is literally no harm in giving it a go! Because of its huge popularity, Yoga and Pilates are becoming a major part of people’s lives, so don’t be afraid or nervous if you’re heading to your first ever class. Remember That Yoga Is All About… Being mindful of your capabilities, just do what you can and embrace the experience. Being […]
Going to the gym is the standard method of staying fit in the modern world. Many people have desk-bound jobs that keep them stationary for most of the day, and leave and return to their homes in darkness. Keeping that in mind, psyching yourself up for the gym can be a herculean task when you’ve been working or studying all day, and a lot of people simply don’t bother. Why emerge from one tedious job only to steep yourself in another? Well, that’s where you have to start getting creative. Running for an hour on a treadmill sounds boring and difficult, but it isn’t the only way to burn calories […]
For a long time now many people have considered breakfast to be the most important meal of the day. In recent years, there has been a huge debate into how important breakfast really is to our general health. With people becoming more and more aware nutrition and experimenting with their morning meal we started to wonder how exactly did breakfast become known as the ‘most important meal of the day’ and is this even remotely true? Or is it just a mere myth? The Rise Of Consumerism One of the very first breakfast cereals to come about was Corn Flakes which was invented by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg in 1894. He believed starting […]
New Year’s Day is fading farther and farther into the past, and along with it many people’s resolutions. It’s easier to try eating healthier, or ditching the cigarettes, or becoming fitter early on in the year, when the experience is new and encouraging. As we transition from January to February however, those resolutions start getting more difficult – especially if you’re not getting the results you want. This is never more accurate than when people attempt to improve their fitness by going to a new gym. So, how do you get yourself to not only achieve your goals but also enjoy the process? It helps to find a gym that […]
Can’t sleep won’t sleep, can’t sleep won’t sleep. Sorry that’s probably not helping. Let’s be honest, sleep is the best, and we as human beings need at least 8 hours of it a night, or else we start acting nuttier than a squirrel’s sh*t. Most people have no trouble nodding off at night, but there are those of us who struggle quite badly when it comes to catching those all-important z’s. Unfortunately, if you’re reading this article, it probably means you’re a bad sleeper, but you need not worry because, we at The Sharpe, have scoured the web in search of the five best apps to help you get a […]
Well 2016 with all your twists, turns and gasp aloud moments, thank you; hardly. So how was that? Or rather what hell was that? The ascension of, love him or loathe him, The Donald. Our nearest and dearest next door neighbour deciding to abscond from the European Union whilst whipping up a kerfuffle of chaos, much love Brexit. At home there was the interminable period of no government, maybe not much of a complaint to some, and the arrival on the international stage of two lads from Skibbereen who brought us all a bit of joy over the summer with their humorous tales of schteak, shpuds and general merriment in […]
In recent years we have seen great improvements in awareness around mental health, stress and depression. There’s lots of work to be done still but the stigma is slowly being cut through. So with that in mind and the new year kicking off we decided to team up with Josephine Lynch from The Mindfulness Centre to get some simple insights from her on the small things you can do to take care of your mental health in 2017. Josephine has an M.A. Mindfulness-based Approaches (Bangor University) and has been teaching mindfulness and pro active approaches to taking care of your mental health for over 12 years. Advice From The Pros Believe it […]
The Christmas holidays are a time of intense celebration, with most people binging on everything from alcohol to straight seasons of that elusive Netflix series you’ve been hearing about. Going from this extreme to trying to stick to the aspirational New Year’s resolutions you’ve set for yourself isn’t easy and it’s probably why so many people give up so soon. Losing weight is one expectation everyone seems to have for themselves when starting a new year, and it’s also one of the most difficult. Here are some tips to make it less of a trial, and more of a lifestyle change. 1. Set Realistic Goals It’s going to be tempting […]
The Christmas period, or commonly known to those of us who enjoy binging on whatever food is available at your own home, your grandmother’s home or any of the neighbours’ homes as the ‘silly season’, is notorious for exactly that; binging. Now, We’re not talking about binging in the way that you used to binge drink as a 15/16 year old. Sitting out in a cold local park all wrapped up but still slowly getting frostbite but thinking it’s worth it because someone has nicked a few cans or bottles from their house, or then again, maybe you didn’t do that. Neither did any of us! In this case binging […]