Cool Christmas Cocktails You Can Make Yourself
By Tahlia Peppard November 24, 2017 (No)
So, obviously it’s rolling around to that time of year again. The lights are up, the Christmas trees are being decorated, and the house smells of pine and all that good stuff. Notice how I didn’t mention Christmas presents, that’s because every time I think of the amount of presents I have to get, I go into full panic mode. I’m sure some of you can relate. Anyways, I’m not here to talk about how stressful the run-up to Christmas can be. Today I’ll be talking about 6 Christmas cocktails that you can make yourself – YES, you heard me, “make yourself.” These all sound amazing and taste even better. They’re […]
A Graduate’s Guide to Making Friends In College
By Dean Fitzgerald October 12, 2017 (No)
The beginning of college is exhilarating and terrifying. In the weeks building up to the start of first year, everyone you meet tells you it will be the best time of your young life. Nodding along and muttering something associated with ‘Can’t wait to start!’, the back of your mind niggles away at you – ‘Is college really for me? What if I don’t like my course? What if I can’t make friends?’ This enters almost every prospective student’s mind, so don’t worry too much. In fact, think of it as a positive. Worrying about something is a solid indicator that it holds importance to you. As you frantically think […]
Expectations Versus Reality of an Irish Freshers’ Week
By Olivia Virlan October 2, 2017 (No)
Ah yes, the most awaited week of the year for any college student, old and new. The week in which we all get absolutely hammered, despite the overwhelming amount of work thrown at us. For people starting out college, freshers’ week is seen as a magical time. A stage where in which one can completely forget about the agonising leaving cert they just sat and begin their college life. However, expectations are ALWAYS set quite high and I am not here to disappoint you, but to warn you that freshers’ week is not one big TGIF music video by Katy Perry. The Disappointing First Day From growing up, we all […]
Surefire Signs That You’re a Lightweight Drinker
By Andy Leech May 18, 2017 (No)
The booming bass and entrancing, repetitive lyrics, drowns out the clink of shot glasses. Somewhere out there, in a reserved and unwelcoming realm known as reality, the church bell rings to signify the passing of one hour from midnight. Blurred vision, sticky hands, sticky floor, ringing ears. Small-talk with old friends, who are now acquaintances, soon to be strangers – “you’re out for the night, are ye?” Hands in the air, head back, the crowd becomes one with the music. One hundred different sprays of male and female perfumes hangs in the air like a perfect smog. If only there was a way of bottling this feeling. “I fucking love […]