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10 Things You’re Doing Wrong At Work – Simple Life Hacks

By Tahlia Peppard May 17, 2017 (No)
We all know it…. Work can suck sometimes, but have you ever thought that maybe you could be doing something wrong and making your life more difficult than it needs to be. Hopefully these 10 points on what you could be doing wrong and some solutions to them, can help make your work life a little easier. 1. Lateness (Otherwise known as Punctuality!) This is a major problem when it comes to your working life, you need to be punctual in order to start your day on the right note. By getting to work late, you delay your whole day, much less, you don’t make a very good impression for […]

5 Great Running Apps You Need To Know About

By Annabel Hynes April 19, 2017 (No)
The age of technology in which we are currently thriving offers much in the way of amenities; on our smartphones alone we can access search engines, live streams, video-calling and just about any game or activity conceived in Silicon Valley. Applications are the medium for such privileges, and as the industry behind them develops, more versatile ones pop up that can be used for many different aspects of daily life. Take regular exercise – it can be a gruelling habit to enter into, but it is made easier and more enjoyable with the aid of smartphone apps that vary in terms of what they can offer consumers. There are multiple […]

Four Great Exercises You Can Do In The Shorter Evenings

By theSharpeUser October 5, 2016 (No)
Winter is creeping in, the days are getting shorter and the weather, well the weather is being pretty typical but there is no excuse that you cannot stay fit during the coming months. Whether you are a fitness novice or you’re already accustomed to exercising on a regular basis and simply want to bring some variety to your current routine, there are some excellent exercises you can undertake in the shorter evenings. The likelihood of you actually maintaining a fitness routine is greatly impacted by one thing, the weather. Picking a sport or exercise that is not weather dependent will make exercising easier to accomplish when it’s pouring rain outside […]

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