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Five Ways Social Media Is Using Your Information

By Zuzanna Piasek July 25, 2018 (No)
With all the recent tech scandals about how social applications can use your information, we thought it might be useful for you to find out what kind of information each app takes from you. For the most part, it’s pretty easy to change the way the application takes certain information and uses it. But you might learn something new which you never even thought of before. Follow the countdown as we talk about what each platform takes and how your data is used. We will discuss the most popular apps which include Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. Let’s kick things off! 1. Discoverability On many social media platforms, you agree […]

Cool Watches to Wear in 2018

By Dean Fitzgerald April 3, 2018 (No)
As time already begins to gather speed throughout 2018, let’s take a minute to look at some of the coolest watches to have this year. Watches have become such a vital part of fashion over centuries incorporating a ‘cool, slick look’. They are now easily usable for any activity whether it be in a sport or at a social event or just for casual wear , the options are limitless. Let’s break them down and take a look at some of the newcomer watches , the classic watches, and of course, the smart watches. The Newcomers Basin MVMT This is a stylish watch that shouldn’t break the bank. Well that […]

5 Sports Stars You Should Be Following On Social Media: Part 1

By Evan Coughlan January 29, 2018 (No)
With over 2 billion active Facebook users, the social media site created by Jesse Eisenberg Mark Zuckerberg, has become the place where an entire generation of people get their news and keep up to date with their favourite celebrities and sports stars. Every sports star has a Facebook page nowadays, unfortunately very much like Twitter, some sport stars only use their Facebook page to shill their latest merchandise. Well this list is going to steer you slightly away from that, as we here at The Sharpe tell you about the top 5 sports stars you should start following on Facebook. 1. Marcel Desailly A bit out of left field to […]

How Much Time is Too Much Time on Social Media?

By Alannah Kenny June 19, 2017 (No)
On average, humans are said to spend a total of 5 years and 4 months of their lives on social media. To put that into perspective, we could fly to the moon and back 32 times, or watch the entire Simpsons series 215 times in the amount of time that we will spend on social media… a depressing thought really. Who is using it and why can vary, but demographics show a definite leaning towards young adults and businessmen of the western world as the most avid users. Yet while it hosts an ocean of perks to explore, social media is also insidiously dominating our lives. Think you need to […]

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