10 Things Students Should Do When Going to Open Days
By Zuzanna Piasek April 16, 2018 (No)
College is a time when you get to experience so many new things and have some of the best years of your life. Choosing what one you want to put down on your CAO however, isn’t quite a walk in the park. Constant ads are constantly put in your face about which college is truly the best. Today, we’re going to make it a little easier for you to choose what suits you and help you to look out for what is important. There are hundreds of open days due to take place around Ireland over the next few weeks, pick up a few of our tips to make sure […]
10 Ways to Improve Your Bedroom on a Budget
By Zuzanna Piasek January 18, 2018 (No)
Everyone gets to that point where they just need a change in their life, so what better way than to design your bedroom whatever way you want. I have done this plenty of times and you should too! So here we go, 10 ways to improve your bedroom without breaking the bank! 1. Stylish Throw Pillows Whether you do your shopping on websites such as Wish or prefer to pop into Penneys or Ikea, throw pillows are a great way to add a bit of colour to your bedroom. You can choose from big comfy ones, pictures or stripes to incorporate a stylish twist to your bedroom. Best of all, […]
Expectations Versus Reality of an Irish Freshers’ Week
By Olivia Virlan October 2, 2017 (No)
Ah yes, the most awaited week of the year for any college student, old and new. The week in which we all get absolutely hammered, despite the overwhelming amount of work thrown at us. For people starting out college, freshers’ week is seen as a magical time. A stage where in which one can completely forget about the agonising leaving cert they just sat and begin their college life. However, expectations are ALWAYS set quite high and I am not here to disappoint you, but to warn you that freshers’ week is not one big TGIF music video by Katy Perry. The Disappointing First Day From growing up, we all […]
Do Students Have a Bad Reputation When It Comes to Alcohol?
By theSharpeUser December 27, 2016 (No)
Although alcohol consumption usually begins before students arrive at college, pressure to misuse alcohol is often intensified when students start third level education. With college comes a new sense of freedom, a lack of parental intervention and a whole host of fresh faces. This new-found sense of freedom can dramatically increase alcohol consumption because students are independent with unlimited freedom of choice. They no longer have to creep into their homes intoxicated, trying not to make noise or wake Mammy and Daddy at 3am. Drink is everywhere! The vast majority of socialising during the student years revolves around alcohol. Whether it be a mid-week catch up in the college bar […]